The contribution to energy security
The laboratory division of the Rompetrol Group was founded by outsourcing the activities of the Petromidia platform laboratories.
The Romanian Accreditation Association (RENAR) certifies laboratories in January in according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005
Recognition from the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment for integrating as an active part (testing laboratory) of the Petroleum Products Laboratory within the “National Gas and Diesel Quality Monitoring Program”, initiated by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce and monitored by Intertek Caleb Brett (Netherlands) since 2005. The Petroleum Products Laboratory within RQC is recognized by the Ministry of Economy in terms of its competence and capability to carry out specific tasks regarding the sampling of gasoline and diesel, as well as carrying out tests to determine the technical specification parameters, stipulated in Government Decision no. 689/2004 on the establishment of the conditions for placing petrol and diesel on the market.
At the same time with the trade activity, RQC has been involved in developing and supporting research activities. The research activity was implicitly acknowledged by the National Research Authority by funding some projects:
- between 2005-2006, the project titled “Perfection of Methods to Analyze Pollutants from Water, Air, Soil”
- between 2006-2008, the project titled “Methods to identify the accidental polluting sources in the natural receptors”
The RQC activity has been extended by:
- taking over two other laboratories of the Rompetrol Group from the Vega (Ploiesti) platform, specialized on testing petroleum products and analyzing environmental factors (water, air, soil, etc.).
- developing repair and inspection activities for gas masks and compressed air breathing apparatus (PM / PSI – ACIRAR);
Two important partnerships have taken place.
The first one was between RQC and Adevarul Verde for free water, soil and air testing in various areas of Romania.
The second partnership aimed to create an environment audit for the largest automotive company in the country.
RQC starts the process of computerization for the laboratory work by implementing LIMS, a complex computer management system for laboratories.
Germanischer Lloyd a certificated RQC’s Integrated Management System: Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001) and Labor Protection (QHSAS 18001)
Environment Laboratory has become an increasingly demanded alternative for companies in the Dobrogea area for monitoring specific environmental factors (water, air, soil), but from other areas of the country, currently performing tests for clients from the areas of Banat, Muntenia, Oltenia and the southern part of Moldova.
Obtaining the Certificate of Entitlement from the Romanian Ministry of Health for performing determination of professional pollutants.
Implementing new methods of coal-specific analysis, which led to an increase in the number of tests requested by external customers.
Developing new coal-specific analysis methods (power, humidity, volatile, ash, sulfur, metals – basic tests used to calculate combustion power and exhaust emission control in the atmosphere).
In 2010, RQC had a large impact on the coal market by cross-checks and audits with solid fuel producers and users (used in thermal power plants), thus increasing the number of tests demanded by external customers.
Acquiring new equipment: apparatus for determining vapor pressure Reid – and Gaz chromatograph.
RQC renews its collaboration with the largest iron-processing plant in Romania, strengthening its position on the market.
The collaboration continues with the Ministry of Economy and Finances by participating in the European Union financed project on compliance with Community rules for the introduction of diesel and petrol on the Romanian market, “Qualitative and Quantitative Monitoring System for Petrol and Diesel”. RQC continued the collaboration in 2011, consolidating its relation with this client by a contract on determining the sulfur content of liquid fuels.
Extending the activity in the field of natural gas analysis, according to Order 3420/2012 for approving the procedure for the issuance of the greenhouse gas emissions permit.
Obtaining the 2nd place in the 2012 County Top Companies in the field of testing and technical analysis
Renewing the main certificates: RENAR Accreditation Certificate and the Certificates issued by GERMANISCHER LLOYD for the integrated quality – environment – health system
Taking over the petrochemical products laboratory from SC Rompetrol Petrochemicals, thus expanding the range of services with new tests made by this laboratory
Obtaining the 2nd place in the 2013 County Top Companies in the field of testing and technical analysis
Starting with September 2013, following procurement of specialized laboratory equipment, RQC became capable to perform MTBE tests for the Light Nafta product delivered by Rompetrol Rafinare Vega.
Obtaining the 2nd place in the 2014 County Top Companies in the field of testing and technical analysis.
Obtaining the 1st place in the 2015 County Top Companies in the field of testing and technical analysis.
RQC obtains RENAR accreditation for a new sampling standard specific to inspections, namely pump pistol Sampling at the fuel stations and from other commercial distribution points (SR EN 14275:2013), being one of the two accredited laboratories in Romania in this sense.
Updating the LIMS system in the laboratories and implementing the SAP system.